We are Dave & Sara. We work with entrepreneurs, non-profits and creative folks across Canada and internationally. Dave Snow is a photographer, filmmaker and visual artist with an extensive professional experience in the outdoor industry. Sara Tedford is a writer, filmmaker and sociologist with a background in content direction, visual storytelling and community-based capacity building.
We feel lucky to work with creative and innovative people from a range of fields and industries. Some of our clients include Regenerative Living, Les Petits Jardins, SeeArch Inc, the WI Group, Display Laminating, Cielo Print Inc, New Hope for Children Adoption Agency, and Waves Clinical Counselling & Psychotherapy. We also partner with agencies including Altitude Management Inc to create and manage content (including script writing, storyboarding, motion graphic and interactive guide project management, & white paper production) for companies such as AT&T, Akamai and American Express.